Wednesday, January 16, 2013


What is the point? Joy? Having others in your life to care about? Well then i may need to redefine what i call friends. My friends fill my life with drama and sadness. The last time i was happy while with them was a long long time ago. Lately my "closest" friend, rebekah, has found herself in love with someone who barely likes her back... At least in public. I always feel so bad for her when i see them shes the one working so hard to keep it looking like a ralationship.
Now, my boyfriend cant live without his friends! He literally needs them as if theyre a life source for him. This obviously confuses me, not only because i couldnt care less aboout my "friends" but also because his friends are all retarded and treat him like crap! They all have their own lives. They like him around because hes a wonderful and generous person. But they, for the most part, misuse him and i hate them for it.